Diversity Ambassador
Diversity Statement
Bidford Gliding and Flying Club is a terrific, welcoming and friendly club. It is a relaxed and fun place to spend time. Obviously the main attraction is the flying but BGFC also has a lively and enjoyable social scene
It is clear that the gliding and recreational flying movement in the UK is underrepresented by certain sections of society and this is certainly also the case with our club.
At BGFC we are making a commitment to change this. The club has established a new role of Diversity Ambassador and the person occupying that position is me! Essentially my role is to seek ways to encourage membership from all sections of society and to promote inclusive and healthy participation in the club for everyone.
The most obvious group which is underrepresented is female and much of our initial work will be focused on addressing this. But not exclusively. BGFC also commits to reaching out to all sections of society.
This initiative isn’t solely to do with attracting new members. It is also about ensuring we maintain a culture where diversity is celebrated and every member feels equally involved and valued.
As this is a new role I would very much welcome ideas, input and suggestions.
About Chris Long
Chris started gliding 50 years ago and has had a couple of very long gaps over the years. Recently returned to Bidford after a 20 year lay off. He has a particular interest in vintage gliders. A member of The Vintage Glider Club. In the past he has operated a Slingsby Tutor and Dart 17R from Bidford. Presently shares a K6e. Chris is never happier than pottering around above Warwickshire with a ground speed of pretty much half that of anyone else